Thursday, December 17, 2009


Another endearing tidbit to share--

When I came back from my trip to Atlanta, it was the sweetest thing, Momo ran up to me and hugged me and said "Mina, I don't want you to get married--I don't want you to leeaave!"

Awww, rambunctious Momo--it's always nice to see his tender side lol.

I'm back =)

Peace and love,
Forgive me for the break in posting--I went out of town two weeks ago, I got sick last week, and am now just getting back into my groove.

Soooo...whats new?

Updates: The boys and I are on a new schedule--Up at 6, dinner at 4pm! (Right after school,) and bed at 9. How's it been flowing?...ehh--I give myself a 65, just passing, not flunking but not excelling either. I've been managing to feed them at 4 (why so early? initially it was my mom's idea...she said the old people from the south didnt know nothin bout "dinner, they would eat 'supper' and feed the kids right after they got home from school. It gets them out the kitchen earlier and makes for a more smooth evening. Plus, we're now learning about the health benefits of eating early...". So, they actually like it, (as quiet as it's kept kids love structure) and its been going well.

But they're still not hitting that bed by 9 and I'm still not rising at 6 (5:45 to be exact, which is when I'd have to in order to have them up). Just goes back to kids doing all they can to stay up and "not miss all the action." they resist the bed like a vampire would garlic lol--today they're staying up because my sister (that goes to Harvard U.) is coming home for the holidays and they all wanna see her--hmmmm, there's always something...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Sweetpea =)

The cutest sweetest thing happened this morning--my sweetpea and youngest brother Hanif [4 yrs old] saw me making breakfast and whispered something to his brother. After about 30 seconds, one of them gave in and blurted out "hanif wants to make you dinner" and then Hanif proceeded to tell me he was trying to keep it secret but he really wanted to cook for me because I do such nice things for them! Aww, that was a tear moment--I inhaled that one deeply and it really penetrated my spirit. I'm gonna sound incredibly cliche but its only truth: It's moments like those that make it worth it....Bless his lil heart =)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Peace Tut!

I recently got engaged; this past April to be exact! And it's been a transitional, thrilling, and diverse experience so far. Observing everyone's reaction and feedback was especially interesting. My youner brothers, to my surprise, were allll for it! immediately---I guess it took a while for the typical brother protectionism to kick in. Here's a vid my brothers and their carazy! friends [who come over to the house and BUG me, but I love em] made to my fiance, Tut.

"Peace Tut!"

Is Today Opposite Day??


Why was it that this morning before school, it seems the VERY thing I told the boys to do, would simply be a green light for them to go an do the OPPOSITE?

How very frustrating. "Go in your room Momo." He goes in the bathroom.
"Come HERE Bilal." He goes over THERE.
"You guys have to hurry up, move more quickly!" They take allll the time in the world...


"Why are they toying with me?" I'm thinking. "Last week they were on point, dressed early, beds made and room clean in less than 15 minutes--what has been the breakdown?" As I surveyed my brain for the aversion in formula--it eventually hit me! Well, for starters they didn't properly prepare the night before because I didn't stay on em to--after coming home from an event at my sister's school, it was pretty late, and I had a bunch of things to do--backed up because I didn't exactly stay on schedule earlier that day. "Aha!" I kinda...sorta...all went back to me--at the end of the day (aeod for short I use that phrase so much!)

And this has been a recurring theme in dealing with the kiddos...when I'm off, they're off. Whether my activities be justified or not. When I'm on point, it fascilitates and environment where they can be on point.  Everyone knows we women have plenty to do, and it can be a juggling act--but it really reflects on the kids when we scatter our energy or don't adhere to a schedule with discipline as we (or at least I -- I can only speak for myself) tell them to.

Quick mental note "Get back on track and into your groove Mina." The Universe is smart like that. Energy is real and impactful. And we as guardians are the shapers of the energy we expect and desire in our homes. A peaceful home, hence, starts from bringing a peaceful spirit. Ahhhhh...a humbling, most necessary reminder to bring our A game! Mentally, physically, spiritually--and all the rest. =)

With peace,

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Stay-At-Home Sista!

My name is Mu'minah. And I'm in a sorta unique but not that unique situation--I'm a stay at home heard right--sister, not, mom =) I have 6 siblings total but only 4 that live with me, and three of those four are full blown, 100% members of the male species. And with that comes...A LOT to say the least.

I graduated from FIT in NYC 2 years ago and instead of going into the corporate world (partly because I'm not the "corporate" type, partly because I couldn't decide what would make me excited to go to work everyday) I figure I'd be much happier and more content if I help my family gain the success and financial freedom we see in our future. My little brother, 2 at the time, was too young to go to school, yet my mom needed to re-enter the workforce and bam! I was the perfect candidate for the Nanny job (minus the nanny money I might add--but ket's not digress). I could mind the kids and help grow the budding family businesses, perfect setup right?

Well me and the kiddos have experienced a lot over these two years, I've grown, they've grown, we've fussed, have downright fought, laughed, learned and all the flavors in between. And raising these bright--knuckleheads is part of what I do, So i figure why not share? I can turn the very thing that causes the most stress at times into a fun and light-hearted release. And can celebrate those moments when I'm truly proud. They've taught me a lot about life, motherhood & parenting (when it's time) and have provided mucho entertainment. With this blog I intend to provide y'all with the experiences, lessons, entertainment and everyday happenings as we continue this sometimes trying, but ultimately rewarding journey.

Peace and thanks for tuning in =0